ALPHA: What to expect.

Welcome to WIA: PRIME FORCES - ALPHA TEST NOTES. It's been a while! Every day that passes we are getting closer to the very anticipated Alpha test and we can't wait to know what you think of it!


There was a time when there was just Owen, Miguel, and a whole lot of enthusiasm with very little realistic expectations on what is in store for the future... One of those expectations involved having a worldwide open Alpha straight out the gate with no smaller scaled server testing. What I'm trying to say here, is that for an Indie company with extremely limited funds, there is no feasible way we can secure enough money to do world wide tests for an early Alpha when we aren't even sure the server can survive a single region just yet. Servers aint cheap!

With that being said, we are planning on having our first Alpha test in one region with a limited number of selected users to begin stress testing our servers. However, we don't want to backtrack on old promises too much, so we plan on expanding to other regions in future tests if the server performs well.

We plan on the first region being either Europe or North America. The main reasons we have chosen these two regions is because:

  • We can easily monitor the servers performance.
  • Our core dev teams timezones align with those regions.
  • Much easier for collecting feedback.

In the mean time you can subscribe to the Alpha Signup so that you can be notified when the Alpha goes live and receive a special link that directs you to the games download. Limited number of slots*

As for what will be in the Alpha test you will be granted access to 7 different weapons, a few gadgets, and gear like c4 for you to play with.

Weapons: "ACR, Famas, P90, Vector, Super90, Glock, Deagle."

Gadgets: “Placeable Shield, Magnetic Trap, and Breacher Charge.

Map: codename "Mansion" [OFFICIAL NAME REDACTED]

Mansion, to many of you, will look very familiar. For the first map in the game, we wanted to make sure that everyone was playing within a familiar environment before we started heavy work on more unique maps.


"Previously an important Resistance outpost within Columbia. "Mansion" otherwise known as [REDACTED] is now captured by The Last Order. Your mission will be to retake this very important base by disabling the Last Orders bombs, stealing back Resistance intel, and reestablishing communications from within the base."

As the test goes on we will be listening to feedback and making sure we improve the game in anyway possible!

Once the alpha is closed. Then what?

Once the alpha is closed. We will reset all stat progress on the players.

We will gather analytics to better understand what we should improve on, such as what weapons people preferred, how many people were able to finish a whole session, how many times people shot the can of beans sitting in the mess hall.

This will allow us to know which area's we should focus on during our road to beta. However the ultimate goal for every Alpha is to stress test the Servers and to make sure our gameplay loop is functioning correctly.

After all of this, we will continue development towards the beta tests. Where we hope to include all of the planned operators we want for release.

Thats all for now! We appreciate you all for sticking all the way to the end of this article, we can't wait to release the alpha test!


MINI-Devlog #0 A Return to Form
